43021 Corniglio
Parma, Italy
Eight frescoes to save
August 16, 2010
Inauguration of the first tranche of restorations of the frescoe paintings on the walls of the houses of the village of Sesta.
After more than 40 years the frescoes painted by Madoi in the 1960s, severely damaged by time and by human negligence, are
now undergoing restoration thanks to generous financial contribution of the Fondazione Cariparma and to the continuous dedication
and perseverance of the Committee Sesta Madoi, under the patronage of other local institutions, such as the Province of Parma,
the Town Council of Corniglio, Parco dei Cento Laghi, the Comunità Montana and, in more recent years, of FIWM.
The entire project is placed under the supervision of MIBAC, State Office for cultural heritage and executed by Alessandro Madoi
Artistic Laboratory.