2012 - 1977 |

2022, Parma, Italy
Tra Est e Ovest, un muro da dipingere

2020, Parma, Sesta, Italy Inauguration of the restauration of fresco paintings in the Church

2018, Parma, Sesta, Italy Inauguration of the restauration of fresco paintings in the Church

2016-2017, Parma, Sesta, Italy, A fresco to be saved

2015, Parma, Italy, Presentation of the short movie Madoi Ritrovato

2014, Parma, Italy, Church of Corpus Domini
Restauration of the fresco painting

The guitar in the italian visual art of XX century

2013, Parma, Sesta, Italy,
50th Anniversary of the Inauguration of fresco paintings in the Church

2012, Parma, Italy, Church of Corpus Domini, Era l'estate del '66..

2011, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Lights on Sesta

2010, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Inauguration of 8 fresco paintings

2009, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Restoration Facade Church

2009, Cremona, Costa Sant'Abramo, Italy, The last Painting

2008, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Inauguration Open Air Museum

2007, Schwelm, Germany Arteblitz 2007 (Multi Artists)

2007, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'Alba al Tramonto

2007, Parma, Italy, Pinacoteca Stuard Musei Civici San Paolo, Recto Verso

2007, Parma, Italy, Establishment of Madoi Foundation

2006, Parma, Italy, Church of Corpus Domini, A Concert for Madoi

2006, Parma, Collecchio, Italy, A Isabella una vita

2006, Parma, Langhirano, Italy, Le Donne di Madoi

2006, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'alba al Tramonto

Provincia di Parma, Italy, Tribute to Madoi 30th Anniversary 1976 - 2006

2003, Parma, Italy, Donation of 2 artworks to Fondazione Cariparma

2002, Parm, Italy,a Galleria San Ludovico La Memoria donata

1983, San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italy, Cascina Ospedaletto

1979, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Donation of 5 drawings to Comune di Corniglio

1979, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'Alba al Tramonto

1977 Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'Alba al Tramonto

1976, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'Alba al Tramonto |

1976, Ferrara, Italy, Palazzo dei Diamanti |

1975, Cremona, Costa Sant'Abramo His last painting, December 14, 1975 |

1975, Parma, Sesta Dall'Alba al Tramonto

1975, San Donato Milanese Milano Inauguration Monumento alla Sofferenza |

1973, Parma, Sesta Dall'Alba al Tramonto |

1973, Montecarlo Atrium du casino |

1970, Milano Palazzo dell'Arengario |

1969, Torino, Italy, Church of Sacra Famiglia, Le Vallette Inauguration of the painted glass facade |

1968, Milano, Italy, Galleria del Giorno |

1967, Parma, Italy, Palazzo Chiari Presentation of the project for the Berlin Wall |

1966, Parma, Italy, Church of Corpus Domini Inauguration abse |

1966, Parma, Italy, Galleria Camattini I Ritratti di Madoi |

1965, Bergamo, Italy, Galleria Torre |

1965, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Dall'Alba al Tramonto |

1964, Parma, Italy, Galleria Camattini |

1964, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Inauguration fresco Paintings on the street walls |

1963, Parma, Sesta, Italy, Inauguration frescoes in the Church |

1963, Parma, Italy, Galleria Camattini Preparatory drawings for the fresco paintings in the Church in Sesta |

1963, Parma, Italy, Galleria Camattini, Exhibition Orient drawings |

1961, Parma, Italy, Galleria Camattini |

1961, Zurigo, Switzerland Galerie Kirchgasse |

1947, Parma, Italy, Municipal House, fresco |

1946, Parma, Italy, Teatro Regio |