Sesta La Chiesa


The accurate reproduction of this church represents an homage to Walter Madoi, an artist who in the early ’60 choosed these once bare walls to represent the drama which would have changed all the years to come.
The few villagers living in Sesta posed as models for the bystanders facing the Event, and even the Holy Mother near the Cross has the features of a legendary woman who, though in the latest days of her life, kindly agreed to reveal her suffering image.
In the apse, on the left, the Author in a self portrait and, on the right , HE Evasio Colli, the Archbishop who unveiled the frescos in 1963.

June 12, 2016
Un affresco da salvare
Presentation of the works of consolidation of the wall bearing the Crocefissione

October 13, 2017
Thanks to a new financial contribution granted by Fondazione Cariparma is now possible to restart the restoration of the Crocefissione painted by Madoi in 1963, while keeping the fundraising campaign open to contributions for the total restoration of the whole painting in the Church.

August 16, 2018
Ceremony of inauguration of the restoration of the fresco of the Crocefissione by Esedra, Parma, thanks to a new financing of Fondazione Cariparma

August 16, 2020
Ceremony of inauguration of the restoration of the left side and of the ceiling painted by Madoi in the Church, by Esedra, Parma, thanks to other generous contributions by public and private institution.

Preparatory studies

These five drawings, now owned by the Town Council of Corniglio as a donation by Isabella Carenini Madoi in 1979, are just a part of a greater heritage of countless preparatory studies  left by Walter Madoi as  evidence of those winter months in 1963 when days and nights were fused together in precious time to paint His Church.

Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa

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Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa Sesta Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa Sesta la Chiesa